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What is Let It Rain


Let It Rain was birthed in 2005 as an outstretched hand of healing and restoration to Bride of Christ, extended through the power of God’s love poured out.


Father’s heartbeat through Let It Rain is that we would experience Him and come to truly know Him. This ‘knowing’

Him is not based on what we feel, or see with our natural eye, but it is living in the intimate love we were born of and made

to dwell in. Captivated with Him there, we realize that to ‘know’ Him in intimacy, is to see Him in everything! Both convinced

of this and enticed for more, we minister with the standard of His word - there is more of Him than yesterday and

less than tomorrow.


Let It Rain is bringing an eternal impact to the world around us, simply through the power of His love poured out. This love relationship - living and dwelling in us – is unconditional, it has no boundaries, no limits, and knows no defeat.

I pray you will experience His Healing Rain falling fresh on you today, and that you would encounter the power of

Father’s love pursuit of you…


You are so valuable,

Kathleen Shore



Director of Let It Rain Ministries, Kathleen Shore has been destined a woman of focus, a spirit of destiny, anointed from childhood to be fixed upon the love of her Heavenly Father. She moves in the anointing of one who is chosen for "such a time as this"... calling The Bride to new levels of kingdom vision. The heart cry of the Father through her is for the Bride to stand up, shake the dust from their clothes; to take hold of, and walk in the ‘refining presence and positioning' God has prepared for each one of us! 

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Spiritual Mamas & Papas


Curtis & Patsy -

Oklahoma City OK

Kathleen Shore is uniquely gifted and totally captivated by

the love of Jesus.  She displays His splendor to everyone God

places in her life and leads Let It Rain ministry with a

burning, passionate heart for Him.  Her depth of insight

and the far-reaching dimensions of her ministry are, as one

attendee stated, “anointed of the Lord.”  Friends who have attended Let It Rain Oasis events with me have described the experience as:

  • “refreshing, cleansing, hope instilling;”

  • “inspiring to absorb more and more of His unrelenting love;”

  • “reverence in action,”

  • “delighting in the extravagant love of the Beautiful One.”

One declared, “For me, it still ignites a very intimate secret smile knowing I am delightful to My Beloved.”  I agree with all these reflections and add that Kathleen is a special God-given mentor to me. Everyone who responds to a Let It Rain invitation is inspired to embrace the Father’s love and go forth as carriers of His presence.  It is the delight of my husband, Curtis, and me to be prayer partners for Let It Rain and to encourage others to experience His Healing Rain. 


Jack & Judy -

Brentwood TN

What an honor and privilege to meet Kathleen Shore on

September 9, 2011 at a Let It Rain Oasis titled, "His Bride."

We have come to know her in a personal relationship and

taste of her Spirit led times of worship, prayer and writing.

She is humble, filled with the Spirit and I see Christ in her

the hope of glory. God has anointed her to minister to the bride of Christ, to prepare for His coming. As women, we can relate to being a bride. May the Lord expand Kathleen's boundaries from women's ministry to the whole church. Through her teaching, may men and women of God walk with the bridal spirit, preparing for and awaitng the coming of the Lord our God.


Mike & Susanne -

Franklin TN

Let It Rain Ministries has been a wonderful avenue that God has used in our lives to give us a greater understanding of how He wants to find a resting place in us. The relationships we have formed through Let It Rain have been of great eternal value.

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