Revive Soak
The Revive Soak
In the hurry of life…the list of doings, all the striving, and painful trials, we are in desperate need of continual heart repair. So many believers live torn and separated from Father’s love, unable to receive the life source we were created for. But God has an amazing exchange for us… All of me, for all of Him.
The Revive Soak is a time to be still; to empty out the clutter within and give back to Him the place He longs to dwell. The Revive Soak is a time to be re-ignited as we focus on His intentions for us. When we allow what He has spoken of us and deposited into us - to be reborn, we come to live fully possessed by Him. This intimacy is our power source…
Come and join us for a time of testimony, emptying out, and adoring Him in worship. You will be strengthened, encouraged and realigned with
Father’s heartbeat for you.
He will renew us with His love.
Upcoming Revive Soak:
Date: TBA